Christian Schröder - Sworn and publicly appointed expert

Sworn and publicly appointed expert for the treatment, storage, conveying (pumping) and transport of drinking and processed water
Sachgebietsnummer 7950

Who I am

Christian Schröder
Diplom-Ingenieur (FH)



Sworn and publicly appointed expert for the treatment, storage, conveying (pumping) and transport of drinking and processed water

More >


Organisme agréé suivant le règlement grand-ducal du 7. octobre 2002 relatif à la qualité des eaux destinées à la consommation humaine.
Autorisation N° 040A14


Adresse QRCode

Main Office Germany:

Christian Schröder
Diplom-Ingenieur (FH)
Eisenacherstrasse 33
D-54310 Menningen

Tel.: 06525/932101
Fax: 06525/932102

Regional Office Marl:

Christian Schröder
Diplom-Ingenieur (FH)
Am Echtenhoff 17
D-45768 Marl

Tel.: 0160 2320966
Fax: 06525/932102

Office Luxembourg:

Christian Schröder – Diplom-Ingenieur (FH)
1, rue de la Montagne
L 6568 Steinheim
Tel: +352 726840 0
Fax: +352 726840 20

Legal notes / Data-protection controller

Christian Schröder – Diplom-Ingenieur (FH)
Eisenacherstrasse 33
D-54310 Menningen

Tel.: 06525/932101
Fax: 06525/932102


Richard Hau Medientechnik
8, Konsdreferstrooss
L- 6230 Bech
Tel.: +352 20202169
Fax.: +352 735241


Public appointment and swearing in

Quality seal for expertise

The demand on expert service across Europe and in the world is increasing. Companies, courts and consumers that need the knowhow of a German expert face a key question: How to find a qualified expert?

The answer is easy:
Whoever commissions publicly appointed and sworn experts gets a high-quality service.

What is a publicly appointed sworn expert?